Programmer wannable attitude

Well, Grasshopper, or Unschooled Acolyte, or whatever your title of choice may be…

You did not hear this from me.

But most developers belong to the Church of Pain and we pride ourselves on our arcane talents, strange cryptic mumblings and most of all, the rewards due the High Priesthood to which we strive to belong.

Let me put it bluntly. Some of this very complicated logic is complicated because it’s very complicated. And pretty little tools would do both the complexity and us injustice, as high priests or priests-in-training of these magical codes.

One day we will embrace simple graphical tools. But only when we grow bored and decide to move on to higher pursuits of symbolic reasoning; then and not a moment before will we leave you to play in the heretofore unimaginable sandbox of graphical programming tools. Or maybe we’ll just design some special programs that can program on our behalf instead, and you can blurt out a few human-friendly (shiver) incantations, and watch them interpret and build your most likely imprecise instructions into most likely unworkable derivative codes. Or you can just take up LOGO like they told you to when you were but a school child in the… normal classes.

Does that answer your impertinent question?

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